Because even with all the stress of this life, our pets are the one place we relax

Hi there! I'm Mariah

Trust me, I know how much you want to hold on to every second. Our pet's are not just pets, they're our best friends, they're family. They are there for all the moments big and small, and when we need them most they are right there with a soft expression, and trying to make us feel better. 

I've always had a passion for photography, and loved to take my camera everywhere I went. Even when I was a kid I always had my camera there even though it was just a small little point and shoot, that I found in my sisters stuff. My photography journey really kicked off when I got my beginner camera for Christmas in 2014 that my parents got me and from there it was all I did was take photos of my horse and our family dogs. Taking that camera to the race track where I worked with racehorses and the barn that I kept my horse at photographing all the other boarders horses too. Jump ahead to 2017 and I bought myself my first dog, a very energetic and full of personality, Border Collie. She became the only thing I ever wanted to photograph. I took her everywhere, took her on every trail ride that I could, I spent hours upon hours training her to do all these funny tricks, and she took on her first job as a model. She takes it very seriously! She came with her challenges though, being a very reactive dog, she was not comfortable in all situations or around all people. In 2022 I became a pet groomer, working again with a variety of dogs and the occasional cat. That job really taught me how different pets are with their owners vs with strangers, and different situations of nervous or sometimes aggressive dogs. From there I really grew as a photographer. Learning how to make the unique and finer details really stand out, and how to work around dogs that need certain settings to keep them comfortable and allow them to show their personalities.

So now here we are! I am no longer a groomer, and I have made that very scary leap to go where my passion is, and that is pet photography. Honestly I have never loved a job more than photographing animals. I now have 3 dogs. Emma is 6, Nana is 3, and Koda is 8, along with a beautiful baby girl who has only made me love photography so much more and brought so much more meaning to having photographs of every moment. An the fact that she loves, and I mean LOVES, dogs and horses almost as much as I do already, makes me even happier and more fulfilled that she will get to grow up with the dog that started everything for me.