Prepare for your pet session!

Let’s get your pet ready!

You may be wondering what you need to do to get ready for your session. It's just pictures of a dog right?, WRONG! These are not just pictures these are artwork of your beloved family member! That's important! And to get the most out of your session, and the best-looking possible shots, you need to have your dog looking their best! 

So what do we need to do to prepare? 

Number 1: Bath! 

I know, most dogs hate being bathed, but low and behold this is very important. We of course want your pets shiny and clean, get rid of the dusty look (especially if you have a dark-colored dog), and it will wash away any loose hairs. Don't forget the face! We want to wash off any eye boogies! If you can, it is not a must, but to save yourself from getting soaked get them professionally groomed! 

Number 2: Exercise!

This one is very important because you can overdo the exercise before a session and we don't want that! I recommend a short walk, about 30 - 60 minutes prior to the session, especially if you have a boisterous dog. That way they can get any silly's out of the way and be more focused during their session. 

Number 3: Food or Toy Driven! 

Is your dog food or toy driven? Maybe it is both! In that case, you won't have to choose you can bring both! I always remind clients to bring either a favorite toy or food with them to the session as a reward for the dog. We will reward after every image is taken. 

( I do not supply treats due to possible allergies) 

Number 4: Relax! 

During the session, I like to keep things short, sweet, and simple. Dogs do not have a very long attention span to stand and pose for very long so we want to make this as easy for them as possible. Do not stress if your dog is energetic and trying to move around a lot, we will still get their photo!