I live an animal-first lifestyle!

Yes, even me, even with my baby, even with my husband.. I am animal-first (or kinda first, lol) person.

So what is an animal first lifestyle?

Well similar to how some people are family-first, work-first, gym-first, hunting-first people, we are animal-first. Which means that our dogs, cats, horses, or reptiles are our first priorities. They are our babies!

Are you the owner that when you take off on a holiday you bring your pets with you, or do you board them at a kennel/have family or friends watch them?

When you go on a hike, do you have them with you enjoying the trails or do you leave them home?

How about with friends or family. Do you like to have puppy play days, get them their own little puppy friends, or special cookies on their birthdays?

Are your horses spoiled with 10 different colored saddle pads, all the fancy boots and every type of brush you can find, the nicest halters?

There's 4000 images of them eating in your phone library!

Or how about for the people that say they can't go out because they just want to stay home with their dog, or go ride their horse instead.

Does any of this sound like you?!

Then you are like me!

I don't know how many times I turned down plans, or made plans that I would only go if my dog could come. Or the times I would... call in sick.. (don't tell anyone that one!) so I could go to the barn to ride because, on that day, I only wanted to be around my horse.

This is an Animal-First lifestyle!

An WE are animal people! This is the goal of every image that I am to capture. We need to get the images that you can look back on and frame on your wall! We need to have a fun day, hiking or finding a cool spot with the right lighting so that we can get memorable images for you, of you, and of your babies!

I still live this lifestyle, and I have a baby. No, I am not putting my dogs before my child, or saying they're more important. For some people (maybe you don't have kids) your dogs are absolutely the most important but for me, my child has to now come first. With that being said, my dogs are still babied. I take them every chance I get to go run, and take photos, and even when we can't get out of the house for the day, then I am still doing tricks and training with them to keep them mentally stimulated! Also helps I have a large backyard for throwing their toys in, lol.

So what about you? Are you an animal-first person?

Do you idolize your pets?

I wanna know!

An if you're like me and you want to have all those memories of your pets captured to put on your wall, an I'm not talkin' iPhone quality ;) Then shoot me a message!