Why I chose Equine Photography

It has come to my attention for all my blog posts I have made, they have mostly regarded dogs. While yes, dogs are a huge part of my passion, so are horses. I basically grew up with horses and only became the horsewoman I am now, because of them. Well, 2 in particular. I have always loved them, and even now, when I do not own horses anymore, I can’t help but adore photographing them every chance I get.  


I have heard that the hardest niches to have in photography are kids and animals. Both are not patient, do not smile for you when told (not always 😉) and neither are very big fans of staying clean and dressed up. However, there is a certain joy that you get when you see a piece of art of your babies (with and without fur) that is very meaningful and heartwarming. If you are like me, I baby my pets, they’re family. My horse was adored by me. He made me into the rider I am. He really pushed me to learn to do better and ride better. I no longer own him, unfortunate life changes, but I have photos of every moment with him. I get to keep pieces of the best moments of my life, even when the years go by and when he is no longer here.  


I have always admired horses and their beauty. They are strong, powerful, resilient animals. And yet, they move so gracefully, elegantly and peacefully. As a quote by, I can’t remember who, says, “Horses are poetry in motion.” and I don’t think I have ever heard more true words. They are the definition of poetry, art, and peace. They will center you, and teach you, without a single word.  


So I guess in short, my answer to why I photograph horses, is not just because they're pretty, lol. It is because through all of their abilities, they are the most calming animal I have ever met. And being able to photograph people with their horses, you can see the pure love that the horse and rider have.